“Black Women,Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage”

“Black Women ,Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage.” I purchased this book (before it was released ) by my professor and mentor Dr Dianne M.Stewart at Emory University. Just wrapping it up,it is SOOOO good, easy read with no academic jargon, already received an award and prof is doing a bunch of speaking engagements. If you want to understand the state of marriage, romance, family etc among people of African descent/African Americans this is it. Dr.Stewart argues that the state of Black Love which she calls “forbidden love ” has been under attack by the U.S government and she provides ample examples through out the text. She essentially states that this is a civil rights issue as opposed to individual matter. This book gave me nightmares 😳 ( I had to book a Traditional African counseling session with a local elder to process ), the stories of the things Black people went through and going through is horrifying in order to love each other. My GOD, Yesu, Ya Allah , orishas 🙆🏿‍♀️🥺. E.g. Knowing that enslaved Africans were married, white men would disregard that by forcing African women to have sex with them.(Many times African women end up having mixed race children from this constant rape, decades later the legacy is that, it creates a caste system, colorism where by Black men prefer to marry mostly light skin women). Another example is when an African couple were forced to have sex while their enslaver watch.When African husbands tried to protect their women they were flogged mercilessly. This text debunks a number of nonsensical claims: that Black men don’t fight for Black women, welfare is a Black women’s thing, that the solution for single hood among Black women today is miscegenation etc.

You will not regret buying this book, a must read.Here is a preview: https://lnkd.in/e_fz2z6